Getting Creative With Advice

Posted by sby on October 03, 2019
Health & Fitness

Relying on AA Chips in Recovery

It is not easy to know what certain accomplishments mean to different people unless you understand the meaning behind them. A good example is when you run and complete a marathon, and how someone who has never been in one reacts to that. It is the case with getting sober. Alcohol addiction is a problem that only those with it and those affected understand. Any efforts towards recovery will, therefore, be highly praised and celebrated. An important marker of such occasions is the AA chip system.

AA chips are tokens that are used to mark the time one has been sober. You will notice some meaningful symbols on the chips. There are the AA circle and triangle icon, which help you keep in mind the lessons gathered on the road towards complete recovery. You can also read the serenity prayer on the back, to keep you motivated.

The chips are great motivators, and also anchors which hold you down through the process. You will remember how far you have come, to help you avoid anything that could take you back to square one.

When you begin using the AA chip system, there will be certain steps to follow. You will, for example, be given the day one chip. It is usually an important occasion, as it marks the hardest part of beginning the process. There is that commitment which you get from that chip. You will use it to mark your first 24 hours sober. You get to receive it once you go 24 hours sober. The chip will likely be white, to show a fresh start.

The nest one is a monthly chip. You will see the color-coded, with 30-day chips as red, 60-day chips as old, and 90-day chips as green. Some AA groups tend to change those colors. You should aim to collect these chips till you reach the milestone of one year sober.

If you remain sober for that year; you will get the one-year chip, normally bronze in color. You will keep getting another one for each year sober after that.

Considering the effectiveness of the AA chip system, you find that other forms of addiction recovery have adopted the system. Some people have also come up with their individual take on the chip system. You can, for example, rely on the same system to mark occasions when you have successfully completed the steps toward weight loss management.

Once you have decided to no longer suffer through alcohol addiction; you need to stick to that decision. There will be challenges along the way. One of the best ways to remember why you need to keep going is to take a calm perspective of the situation. The AA chip system helps you remember that.

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